Lily Blossoms Raccoon [VRChat Animations]
VRChat Animations avatar
You can check the animations available to upload on my youtube channel, exclusive for this avatar the ones that are named "TheRastaJoel"
Some animations are available to be sold as a prefab instead of upload only, like Valhalla, Cométe and Gangrena, only need to ask for disponibility on my dm´s
As well, this is an upload only avatar, meaning you get the avatar and other stuff but in the upload only goes the animations included
There is two options, one with 3 animations and the other one with 6 animations you can choose from the rasta joel or me
As i sayd, all of them are uploaded on my Youtube channel and other ones are upload pendient
Or visit our VRChat World:
(With every purchase you get the avatar prefab, only the animations goes in the upload)
Avatar Description.-
SDK 3.0
Poiyomi Shaders
LilToon Shaders
12.52 MB On prefab
4.87 MB when upload (Empty)
VrChat Avatar Prefab and a direct upload to your VRC account with some animations you choose